Bacterial electron transfer processes and their regulation





Venue &

Abstract Submission


Important Information




Abstract Submission

Scientists from academia and industry are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations describing original research in any of the conference scientific topics. The scientific committee will select the type of contribution (oral or posters) based on the review of abstracts.

Guidelines and instructions:

In order to submit your abstract, please first proceed with registration. Once you have registered, you will receive a link and instructions on how to submit your abstract. (when registering, you will not be required to pay immediately. Once the scientific committee has accepted your abstract for oral or poster presentation, it is subject to payment of your registration fee before a given deadline. If payment is not received by the given deadline, your abstract will be withdrawn, unless special arrangements have been made with the organisers)

  • Abstracts must be completed using font Calibri 8.
  • The body of the abstract must be concise with less than 1600 characters. The abstract form will not accept abstracts that exceed 1600 characters (body of the abstract).
  • The Abstract should include the name of the presenting author underlined and should include affiliations of the co-authors.
  • Standard abbreviations and SI units must be used. Non-standard abbreviations must be defined in full at their first appearance.
  • Abstracts must not contain any figures or tables.
When is the submission deadline?

Deadline for submission of abstracts for oral presentations: 15th December, 2017

Deadline for submission of abstracts for poster presentations: 15th December, 2017

What happens once I submit my abstract?
  • The corresponding author will receive an e-mail confirming the successful submission of the abstract. Authors submitting abstracts will be notified in due time about final acceptance. Please note: Once your abstract has been accepted by the scientific committee, it is subject to payment of the registration fee for the meeting, otherwise your abstract will not be included.
  • Once the abstract has been submitted, changes, corrections or rewording will be possible until the 15th January, 2018. After this date changes will not be possible. Careful typing and proofreading are essential, as the abstract will be published as submitted.
  • Authors will be asked to indicate to which of the programme's streams their abstract should be submitted.
  • A number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentation in the programme. All other qualifying abstracts will be selected for poster presentations.

Important: Submitting an abstract for presentation does not constitute registration for the conference. Abstract presenters must register to attend the conference by following the instructions for registration.