Plastic challenges and biotechnological solutions

The online meeting “Plastics: challenges and biotechnological solutions” held on 20 March 2024 focused on the latest research and developments in biobased plastics, biodegradation, and the environmental impact of plastic waste. It comprised four sessions, each featuring keynote lectures and presentations selected from the submitted abstracts. The discussions covered a range of topics, including the enzymatic synthesis of biobased materials, valorization of agricultural waste, advancements in polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), and strategies for plastic recycling and upcycling. Additionally, the environmental impact of discarded plastics, such as microplastic pollution and its interaction with contaminants, was explored, highlighting innovative solutions for mitigating plastic waste and promoting a circular economy.

The event was attended by over 100 researchers from 26 countries.

The EFB especially thanks our gold sponsor Pfeifer & Langen for supporting the meeting.

Visit the meeting website for more details:

Click here!

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About EFB

The EFB is a non-profit federation of biotechnology companies, academic institutions, and individual professionals. We promote research and innovation in life sciences, while providing international biotechnology conferences to ensure the dissemination of the scientific results and assist in the publication of their reports in our biotechnology Journals. With more than 30 biotechnology conferences under its belt, the EFB portfolio of events offers a meeting point between global researchers and industry representatives.

Key words

  • Biodegradation
  • Biotechnology
  • Conference
  • Enzymes
  • Biocatalysis
  • Bacteria
  • Environment
  • Bioengineering
  • Recycling
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Microbial
  • Biobased materials
  • Biopharma