Microbial Stress 2023

The 6th meeting on Microbial Responses to Stress - Microbial Stress 2023 was held at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria on 18-21 September 2023. The event, organized by the Microbial Biotechnology Division of the European Federation of Biotechnology, attracted 100 biotechnologists from 26 countries.

The topics included:

- Molecular mechanisms of stress to low pH

- Understanding and exploiting the impacts of low pH on micro-organisms

- Microbial stress in bioproduction systems

- Plant microbe interactions and soil microorganisms

- Stresses associated with human microbe interaction

- Challenges to microbial life in the natural environment

- Molecular mechanisms of stress.

The next edition of the Microbial Responses to Stress meeting will be held in 2025.

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About EFB

The EFB is a non-profit federation of biotechnology companies, academic institutions, and individual professionals. We promote research and innovation in life sciences, while providing international biotechnology conferences to ensure the dissemination of the scientific results and assist in the publication of their reports in our biotechnology Journals. With more than 30 biotechnology conferences under its belt, the EFB portfolio of events offers a meeting point between global researchers and industry representatives.

Key words

  • Biodegradation
  • Biotechnology
  • Conference
  • Enzymes
  • Biocatalysis
  • Bacteria
  • Environment
  • Bioengineering
  • Recycling
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Microbial
  • Biobased materials
  • Biopharma